That, after all, is the glory of science: looking to see what’s actually there…Any theory, theistic or atheistic, that attempts to assert a priori how nature must be, and which then purports to explain it or spin it out merely in accordance with the principles of a theory, and without actually looking — well, that’s an unscientific theory.
The Metaphysical Menu: Part 2
Perhaps the intellect and will seem to be immaterial because they actually are immaterial. Perhaps water seems to be a form because it is a form… [P]erhaps we need to dispense with physicalism altogether, and go back to first the first principles to see where we’ve gone wrong.
The Metaphysical Menu: Part 1
Before continuing, I note that it is possible to believe in just one god, without believing in the One God. A person who worships the sun, or the earth, or the universe as a singular entity is really no different than a polytheist, in a metaphysical sense.