Writers Gonna Write
There are thousands upon thousands of people who think of themselves as writers, and who almost never write. And, since it’s 2023, they have a “community.”
On Mature Content in Fiction
A story need not be factual to be true. The Emperor’s New Clothes is a true story, as are Romeo and Juliet, The Lord of the Rings, and The Remains of the Day. They’re true, because they create an encounter with reality. But our current human reality is not absolute reality; it is not God. This reality also includes created things in a state of journeying, and it includes disorder.
Scattered Thoughts: PC vs Woke Entertainment
PC is the respectable, upper middle class, “enlightened” fibber who thinks her little lies are justified for the greater good. Woke is her vicious step-child, highly moralistic in her tone, yet entirely amoral in her methods.
How To Make It Disney (v. 2.0)
A titanic battle soon followed, and, I have to admit, the little punk got the best of me…
Where I’m Standing
More on the saga of writing stuff, and trying to get other people to read it.
The Secret Thoughts of Many: Part 3
In this third of three parts, I consider the reasons for the “hiddenness” of Mary in Scripture, and I address those passages that seem to downplay her importance.
The Secret Thoughts of Many: Part 2
In this second of three parts, I defend basic Marian doctrines in light of proper Christology and Christian hope, and I explain the how the Deposit of the Faith can and must unfold over time.
The Secret Thoughts of Many: Part 1
I have often struggled intellectually with Marian doctrines…Having finally come to some light about these matters, I here share the fruit of my intellectual struggles for the benefit, first, of Catholics (and their fellow sacramental Christians,) and second, of Protestants who may wonder how and why such things are believed, let alone considered so important.
A Basic Case for the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth
Now the case for the Resurrection is just this: the physical resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead is the only proposed explanation that accounts for all the basic facts.
Tolkien and Therese
‘Still that must be expected,’ said Gandalf to himself. ‘He is not half through yet, and to what he will come in the end not even Elrond can foretell. Not to evil, I think. He may become like a glass filled with a clear light for eyes to see that can.’
The Burden of Knowing Everything
There is a persistent superstition, fed by politics, the news, and social media, that our knowing “what is going on” (always somewhere else) will alter the course of things…But this is a burden you cannot, and should not bear.
Scattered Thoughts: “That’s Anecdotal!”
Dismissing every counterexample to a reigning narrative as “anecdotal” is just one of the tactics of pseudo-argumentation that sustains the regime of lies and bs under whose aegis we labor.
The Conversation Cancelers Come for Joe Rogan
Rogan is anything but a CNN or FOX anchor telling you, by inclusions and omissions, by intonations and eye-rolls, what you should think. Rogan does not pretend to possess the kind of authority over his audience that would allow him to tell them what they ought to believe. He is not a professional reporter. Thank God. He’s just a damned good conversationalist.