A Basic Case for the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth
Now the case for the Resurrection is just this: the physical resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead is the only proposed explanation that accounts for all the basic facts.
Scattered Thoughts: “That’s Anecdotal!”
Dismissing every counterexample to a reigning narrative as “anecdotal” is just one of the tactics of pseudo-argumentation that sustains the regime of lies and bs under whose aegis we labor.
Halo of Confusion: Why Some Smart People Entertain Darwinian Doubts (Part 2)
Why should these forms appear over time on an isolated continent, unless they developed there? But on the other hand, it is simply impossible for any reasonable person to look at this pattern of morphology … without seeing clear evidence of a plan.
Halo of Confusion: Why Some Smart People Entertain Darwinian Doubts (Part 1)
In my opinion, there are very good reasons for accepting the proposition that most organisms on earth have arisen through a process of descent with modification. However… Darwinism gives many intelligent people pause.
So What Are They?
Something extraordinary is happening in our skies, and it cries out for an explanation.