That, after all, is the glory of science: looking to see what’s actually there…Any theory, theistic or atheistic, that attempts to assert a priori how nature must be, and which then purports to explain it or spin it out merely in accordance with the principles of a theory, and without actually looking — well, that’s an unscientific theory.
Halo of Confusion: Why Some Smart People Entertain Darwinian Doubts (Part 2)
Why should these forms appear over time on an isolated continent, unless they developed there? But on the other hand, it is simply impossible for any reasonable person to look at this pattern of morphology … without seeing clear evidence of a plan.
Halo of Confusion: Why Some Smart People Entertain Darwinian Doubts (Part 1)
In my opinion, there are very good reasons for accepting the proposition that most organisms on earth have arisen through a process of descent with modification. However… Darwinism gives many intelligent people pause.
So What Are They?
Something extraordinary is happening in our skies, and it cries out for an explanation.
Chickens are not Dinosaurs!
She didn’t mean to destroy the world, but she did. True, when she spoke her Deplorable Word, the sky did not come crashing down. The room did not disintegrate. The large crocodiles standing behind her didn’t even react. But if what she said were true — and it literally cannot be true — all things would have come unwoven, strand by insubstantial strand.